The Future Universe Wiki
Future Universe
GiC TeleLens
The Skaggrath

Future Universe

Everything and anything that exists

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A photo of Nartor where both Victus I and Victus II are visible

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GiC TeleLens

Basic schematics highlighting the removable casing of the GiC.

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The Skaggrath

Renown for their powerful sucking capabilities and often employed as anti-corrosive agents on industrial vessels

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Future Universe
GiC TeleLens
The Skaggrath

The Id-Thum are an interesting and detailed race whose history is steeped in culture and fanatical accuracy. [Read About It]

About Community Explore

The Future Universe Wiki—a place where users create interesting and compelling content for the fictional Future Universe Creators can write, draw, and share art, stories, webcomics, and other media which is collaborated on and refined by other users and later featured in the webcomic The Future Universe

If you're unsure where to start, or maybe you just want to talk through your ideas, be sure to visit the forum.
Rules Tips
Rules to follow if you plan on working in or creating your own content:
  • DO share your work!—and by sharing, any content you submit is free for anyone to use, copy, recreate, redistribute, and redesign.
  • DON'T use copywritten content. Make sure everything your write, draw, create, or submit is all genuinely your own work. Do not copy images from other websites. This is a project in creativity and collaboration. Theft is not welcome.
  • DO feel free to use any of your past ideas for this, just make sure it's yours.
  • DON'T change established facts, such as dates, lineages, histories, etc.
  • DO know that all topics are subject to editing, locking, or deletion by any Administrator at our discretion.
Trying to think of what to make? Here are some tips to help you on your way:
  • Remember Who, What, Where, When, and Why. Who is this / Who is it for, What is it / What is it used for, Where is it, When is it relevant / When was it invented, Why does it exist / Why does it work?
    • Pro Tip: Expand on these to delve deeper into your subject
  • Create new pages for Nouns you wish to expand on; take paragraphs about Languages, Celebrations, Technology, et al., and give them their own unique pages! Building the Wiki is a good thing!
  • Remember the difference between an Organism, a Creature and a Race!—an Organism is a simple lifeform, Creatures lack self-awareness, Races have Culture.

